Studying an Australian qualification in your home country

Online and distance education
Online and distance education allows you to complete an Australian qualification from the comfort of your home — or just about anywhere else you’d like to study. Courses are available at all qualification levels, with options ranging from accounting, business and communications all the way through to health and medical fields, engineering and sciences.
They can be delivered in a variety of ways, including:
- studying online
- studying by distance, with materials delivered by post
- studying at home combined with classes taught in association with institutions overseas
- studying at home and visiting local study centres of Australian institutions
- studying at home and receiving periods of face-to-face tuition from Australian instructors.
This style of study provides great flexibility for students, particularly if they are combining study with commitments such as work and family. Entry requirements, including academic and English language requirements, are generally the same as those for on-campus courses. Institutions provide resources such as electronic library access, online forums and assessment submission portals. Counselling, academic advice and technical assistance are also usually available.
Search for online courses to get started.
Studying at an offshore campus
Many Australian universities allow international students to enrol offshore, with campuses, study centres and affiliations all over the world. This provides options to study in your home country or nearby, experiencing Australian teaching and receiving a globally recognised qualification without the cost or commitment of moving to Australia.
The following universities run offshore campuses, offering combinations of pre-university, undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Note that some universities may have additional partner universities with other global sites.
- Charles Sturt University (Canada)
- Curtin University (Singapore and Malaysia)
- James Cook University (Singapore)
- Monash University (South Africa and Malaysia)
- Murdoch University (Malaysia, Singapore and United Arab Emirates)
- RMIT University (Vietnam)
- Swinburne University of Technology (Malaysia)
- University of Adelaide (Singapore)
- University of Canberra (Bhutan, China, Hong Kong and Singapore)
- University of New South Wales (Hong Kong and Singapore)
- University of Newcastle (Singapore)
- University of Southern Queensland (Malaysia)
- University of Technology Sydney (Hong Kong)
- University of Wollongong (Malaysia, Singapore and United Arab Emirates)
Some non-university providers, including private colleges and vocational institutions, also operate overseas campuses.
Search for an institution and make an enquiry for further information.
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