Taking advantage of additional university services
Studying at university can be extremely rewarding andenjoyable but it can also be challenging to adjust to the rigours of moreindependent education, especially for international students. Unlike high school, where the curriculum andworkload is teacher-driven, uni is far less structured and there is asignificant increase in the responsibility of students.
For anyone struggling to keep up with the demands of unilife, there are means of support. Most institutions are well-resourced andthere is no shortage of options to improve studying at the tertiary level.
Counselling services
Counselling services are common at universities and are not limited to academic advice. By providing personal, emotional, psychological and social support, counsellors can address a broad range of issues, whether it's struggling with the language barrier or problems balancing part-time work and study.
PAL (Peer Assisted Learning) program
Joining a PAL (Peer Assisted Learning) program can be hugelybeneficial. The initiative involves group study sessions under the facilitationof a ‘PAL leader,’ a current student who has completed the unit in the past. Thisenables significant insight into the subject in an intimate, supportiveenvironment that can be difficult to achieve in lecture theatres filled withhundreds of students.
Essay writing help
Most courses at university level require a great deal of writing, whether it's submitting reports electronically or answering questions during an exam. Many campuses have specific programs or classes dedicated to helping students improve their writing skills and given the abundance of academics on staff, there are plenty of faculty members around to give advice on what constitutes a good essay.
Sporting clubs
Almost all universities in Australia have sporting and recreational programs. These can be particularly handy for keen athletes who have moved to further their education and are unable to compete for their regular clubs or teams due to their new living arrangements. Competing for a university team can be a good outlet from studying and allows for socialisation with peers outside of the classroom.