Bachelor of Midwifery
Griffith University
Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Undergraduate
CRICOS: 00233E
All on-campus teaching sessions are offered on Logan campus with some midwifery laboratory sessions also available at the Gold Coast and Toowoomba. Professional Placements are available at a range of sites including Logan, Redlands, Toowoomba, and Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast University Hospitals.You will learn from expert midwives in this degree that blends online learning with one-two-week intensive block on campus each trimester. You will also take part in extensive clinical placements and regular clinical tutorials supported by a Practice Lecturer.You will learn in midwifery laboratories that simulate the clinical environment and undertake midwifery clinical experience through professional practice placements in allocated health services involving morning, evening and night shifts. You will be prepared as a midwife who is technically competent and deeply woman-centred with sound clinical judgement.You will follow 20 women throughout their pregnancy, birth and the period six weeks after birth, requiring you to be on-call to attend the labour and birth. Honours is available through an additional year of study.
- Care of the Neonate
- Challenges in Practice
- Communicating Effectively
- Complex Maternal Care
- Effective Communication for Midwives
- First Peoples Health and Practice
- First Peoples Mothers and Babies
- Foundational Anatomy and Physiology
- Global Women's Health
- Healthcare Systems
- Holistic Midwifery Care
- Knowing Midwifery
- Life Science for Midwives
- Listed electives and/or Free-choice electives
- Maternal and Infant Wellbeing
- Medication, Pharmacology and Screening for Midwives
- Midwifery Practice 1: Primary Maternity Care
- Midwifery Practice 1: Supporting Women
- Midwifery Practice 2: Acute and Surgical Care
- Midwifery Practice 2: Supporting the Woman and Healthy Newborn
- Midwifery Practice 3: Complex Maternal and Newborn Care
- Midwifery Practice 3: Integrating Care with Complexity
- Midwifery Practice 4: Complex Midwifery Care
- Midwifery Practice 4: Focused Midwifery Practice
- Midwifery Practice 5: Consolidating Midwifery Practice
- Midwifery Practice 5: Midwifery Practice Portfolio
- Midwifery Practice 6: Becoming a Midwife
- Normal-Complex Continuum of Childbirth
- Preparation for Midwifery Practice
- Promoting Normal Birth
- Research Evidence and Clinical Practice
- Transition to Professional Midwifery Practice
Griffith University grants credit and recognition of prior learning which may relate to prior formal learning or prior informal and non-formal learning. For more information, please visit the following website: Credit transfer Griffith's innovative Credit Precedent Database allows you to find out what credit decisions have been made in the past. These precedents will give you an idea of what you can expect. View credit precedents for this program
Study information
Campus | Fees | Mid year intake | Attendance |
Logan | International: $114,000 | No |