Master of Information Systems and Information Technology Management

Griffith University

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Postgraduate
CRICOS: 00233E

You will gain a combination of technical and managerial knowledge and skills, which will provide you with a holistic approach to effectively manage information technology in organisations. You will also develop a solid grounding in the principles and practice of information technology and an in-depth knowledge of information and communication technologies and information systems. With this knowledge, you will be able to confidently manage the functional responsibility for choosing, implementing and maintaining information systems and technology within, and across, organisations.


  • Business Intelligence Systems
  • Computer Systems and Networks
  • Data Resource Management
  • Database Design
  • Enterprise Mobility
  • Information Policy and Governance
  • Introduction to Information Systems
  • Listed electives and/or Free-choice electives
  • Managing Complex Projects
  • Programming Principles
  • Programming Principles 2
  • Strategic Supply Chain Management
  • Systems Development
  • The Ethical Technologist

Standard entry requirements

Any Bachelor degree (4.5 GPA) or higher


Students who hold a Bachelor degree in Information Technology with a minimum GPA of 4.5 will be eligible for 40 credit points of advanced standing towards the Masters program. Griffith University grants credit and recognition of prior learning which may relate to prior formal learning or prior informal and non-formal learning. For more information, please visit the following website: Credit transfer Griffith's innovative Credit Precedent Database allows you to find out what credit decisions have been made in the past. These precedents will give you an idea of what you can expect. View credit precedents for this program

Study information

CampusFeesMid year intakeAttendance
Nathan Campus International: $59,250 No
  • Full-time : 1.5 years
  • Part-time : 4 years

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