Bachelor of Arts in English and Creative Writing

Murdoch University

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Undergraduate
CRICOS: 00125J

Creative writing can make people laugh, cry, think from a new perspective, and even shape the world. In this course youll explore literary forms from the short story to the sonnet, from the blog to the bildungsroman, and from pastoral to performance poetry. Learn from scholars and established writers, ranging from short story writers and novelists who have published major works, to drama practitioners and performance theorists, and experts in English and Comparative Literature. Develop your skills in becoming an insightful thinker, an observant reader and an imaginative writer. Explore a wide range of literary, theoretical, dramatic, and other texts, from the Renaissance to the present day, and develop your capacity for reflection and analysis.


Total credit points: 72


  • English and Creative Writing

Standard entry requirements

Australian year 12 or equivalent.

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