Bachelor of Business (Accounting)

Ozford Institute of Higher Education

Type of institution: Higher Education Institutions
Level: Undergraduate
CRICOS: 03429B

The CA & CPA Accredited Bachelor of Business Accounting course prepares students for a career in a variety of accounting and finance related positions in accounting practices large and small – from SMEs and large corporations to financial institutions and government agencies. To successfully complete the CA & CPA Bachelor of Accounting Course students will demonstrate the ability to:Integrate theoretical and technical knowledge and apply within a field of work and learningCritically review, analyse, consolidate and synthesise knowledge to make informed judgements in solving a range of problems that arise in business contexts.Critically apply technical knowledge and skills in using methods and technologies to analyse and evaluate information to complete a range of accounting-related activitiesThink critically and creatively to identify and apply judgement to solve problems in a range of business contexts applicable to a CPA.Communicate clearly and coherently accounting advice and ideas in collaborative contexts to all stakeholders.Exercise initiative and judgement in planning, solving problems and decision making in practice and / or research.Adapt and apply knowledge and skills to anticipate and manage uncertainty to solve diverse and complex problems.Be responsible and accountable as a professional practitioner working independently and in collaboration with others in diverse contexts.


8 core units (1st year) PLUS 8 Accounting specialisation units PLUS Internship (equivalent to 2 units) PLUS 6 elective units

Standard entry requirements

Successful completion on of Year 12 in Australia or equivalent

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