Diploma of Accounting

RMIT University

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Vocational Education and Training (VET)
CRICOS: 00122A

The Diploma of Accounting builds on the small business accounting and bookkeeping knowledge obtained from previous studies or work within this industry and introduces a range of corporate accounting specialisations designed to broaden your career prospects.


  • COSC6241C Design and produce complex spread sheets (BSBTEC402)
  • ACCT5439C Provide financial and business performance information (FNSACC521)
  • ACCT5440C Prepare tax documentation for individuals (FNSACC522)
  • ACCT5441C Manage budgets and forecasts (FNSACC523)
  • ACCT5442C Prepare financial reports for corporate entities (FNSACC524)
  • ACCT5443C Implement and maintain internal control procedures (FNSACC526)
  • ACCT5444C Provide management accounting information (FNSACC527)
  • EMPL5990C Lead effective workplace relationships (BSBLDR413)
  • LAW5751C Make decisions in a legal context (FNSACC413)
  • ISYS7599C Establish and maintain accounting information systems (FNSACC505)
  • BUSM8913C Apply ethical frameworks and principles to make and act upon decisions (FNSINC514)

Standard entry requirements

Successful completion of the following units of competency (or equivalent): FNSACC321 Process financial transactions and extract interim reports, FNSACC322 Administer subsidiary accounts and ledgers, FNSACC418 Work effectively in the accounting and bookkeeping industry, FNSACC421 Prepare financial reports (this unit is the equivalent version of BSBFIA401 Prepare financial reports)

Study information

CampusFeesMid year intakeAttendance
Melbourne City International: $12,750 No
  • Full-time : 6 months

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