Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching

Torrens University Australia

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Postgraduate
CRICOS: 03389E

A Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching focuses on current theories and methods of education, emphasising blended approaches to learning. It delivers a student-centred approach to curriculum design and delivery, stronger communication and the ability to execute education research programs. This course is unique in its ‘practice-first’ approach, and in the depth of learning about the higher education context. You will collaborate and innovate with a group of likeminded peers through the online learning environment, and through innovative folio and project-based assessment tasks. This is not an accredited Australian Initial Teacher Education course and therefore does not qualify the student to teach in Australia.


Each subject involves 10 hours of study per week, comprising 3 hours of facilitated study and 7 hours self-directed study. Four core subjects must be completed.

Standard entry requirements

Australian bachelor's degree or equivalent and Students must be ‘teaching’ in a tertiary classroom - as broadly as that may be interpreted, OR Students without an undergraduate degree may be admitted to the Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching on the basis that they are being employed to teach within a tertiary education institution or with consideration of appropriate professional expertise within a discipline OR Relevant professional experience includes those who are currently working in education-related fields and teachers holding alternative qualifications.

Study information

CampusFeesMid year intakeAttendance
Online International: $13,250 No
  • Online/Off-campus : 5 months

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