University of Technology Sydney (UTS)

Graduate Diploma in Sports Media

University of Technology Sydney (UTS)

Type of institution: University/Higher Education Institution
Level: Postgraduate
CRICOS: 00099F

The Graduate Diploma in Sports Media equips students with the skills, techniques and knowledge to build a career across multiple areas of sports management, administration, journalism and communication. The course draws from the disciplines of journalism, public relations and business to deliver invaluable learning experiences in media management, sports administration and marketing, audience development and reporting and editing across text, video and audio. UTS's unique arrangement with the Sydney Cricket Ground Trust delivers a range of opportunities for students across sporting codes, adding an in-house, hands-on element to every aspect of the course. Students are behind the scenes and in front of the action. The course is delivered by teachers from UTS's School of Communication and School of Business along with leading industry practitioners. The emphasis is on delivering both practical and reflective learning opportunities, so that graduates are doers and thinkers and possess both practical and strategic skills.


The course totals 48 credit points of study, made up of six core subjects. Full-time students are required to undertake 24 credit points a session. Part-time students should undertake 8 or 16 credit points a session.


  • Sports media

Standard entry requirements

  • UTS recognised bachelor degree, or equivalent or higher qualification, or submitted other evidence of qualifications that demonstrates potential to pursue graduate studies. Applicants who have not completed a bachelor's, master's, graduate diploma or graduate certificate in any field of study (or overseas equivalent) must provide: a personal statement (approx. 500 words) explaining why they wish to study the course, and a CV, which should include details of paid and voluntary work or other experiences that could be relevant to the course. The English proficiency requirement for international students or local applicants with international qualifications is: Academic IELTS: 6.5 overall with a writing score of 6.0
  • Or TOEFL: paper based: 550-583 overall with TWE of 4.5, internet based: 79-93 overall with a writing score of 21
  • Or AE5: Pass
  • Or PTE: 58-64
  • Or CAE: 176-184. Eligibility for admission does not guarantee offer of a place.

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