William Nathaniel Robertson Scholarship

The University of Queensland

The scholarship was founded in 1984 by a bequest of $10,000 under the will of Clara Joan Roe, in memory of her father, William Nathaniel Robertson, Vice-Chancellor of the University 1926-1938. The object of the scholarship is to enable a student intermitting the program for the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery to undertake a research project as part of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy or integrated MBBS/PhD program.


Applicants must: be MBBS students undertaking a research project as part of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy or integrated MBBS/PhD program. Selection is based on academic merit.

Amount $2,271

The scholarship is valued at $2,271 for 1 year.

Number per year 1
Frequency Annual
Duration year
Student type Australian and New Zealand
Gender Co-Ed
For Australian students
For international students
Level of study Undergraduate / VET
Field of studys Medicine
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